Bachelor of English Literature, English (GE) English for Specific Pur
Author: sia
Asti Widayanti, S.Si., M.T.
[:en]e-Learning Coord.Bachelor of Statistics, Unpad Master of Industrial Engineering,
Iji Samaji, S.E., M.Si., Ak., C.A., B.K.P.
Public Service Coord. in Accounting ComputerizationBachelor of Accounting USB (Dh. STIE YPKP Bandung) Master of Accounting and Taxation, Airlangg
Irna Yuniar, S.T., M.B.A.
[:en]Academic Coord. in Accounting ComputerizationBachelor of Informatics Engineering, STT Telkom Magister of Business Administration, ITBirn
About us
Welcome to Accounting Information System Research Group Sites. We are a group of academics and practitioners of accounting information system. Found
Kastaman, S.T., M.M.
Training and Certification Coord. in Accounting ComputerizationDiploma of Information System, LPKIA Bachelor of Informatics Engineering, LPKIA M
Magdalena Karismariyanti, S.T., M.B.A.
[:en]Diploma in Informatics Engineering, STT Telkom Bachelor of Informatics Engineering, STT Telkom Magister of Business Administration, ITBmagd
Mutia Qana’a, S.Psi., M.Psi
Bachelor of Psychology, Bandung Islamic University (UNISBA) Master of Psychology, Bandung Islamic University (UNISBA)mutia@tass.telkomuniversit
[:en]Dr. Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto, M.Hum[:de]PWW[:]
[:en]Doctorate Degree in English Language & Education at Semarang State University Master Degree in English Language Studies at Sanata Dharma Uni
Raswyshnoe Boing Kotjoprayudi, S.E., M.M.
Budget Division, Telkom UniversityBachelor of Accounting, Widyatama Univ. Master of Management, Institut Managemen Telkomraswyshnoe@tass.telk